Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer

An Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer will fight for justice and fair compensation if you or loved one suffered serious injuries.

Extremely serious injuries can negatively impact your life forever, but an Atlanta catastrophic injury attorney can help you get compensation for your financial losses and the pain and suffering that result. If your injury was caused by someone else’s negligence or fault, you may be entitled to compensation through insurance or a personal injury lawsuit. It can relieve your monetary worries and allow you to focus on your recovery and moving on with your life.

In a successful Georgia lawsuit, the catastrophic injury attorneys at The Stoddard Firm can win a damage award that covers your monetary losses, medical and rehabilitation costs, and provides restitution for your pain and suffering. Financial awards are often substantial for catastrophic injuries. We offer a free consultation to discuss your individual situation and determine the best way to move forward. Call us today at 470-467-2200 for your free, no-obligation case evaluation. There are no fees unless and until we win a settlement for you.


Georgia Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Not all injuries are created equally. While some accidents lead only to minor pain, others lead to serious and/or debilitating injuries. “Catastrophic injury” is a term used to describe the most serious injuries a person can suffer. These injuries are the most painful, costly and inhibiting of all injury types.

In some cases, catastrophic injuries are not as easily detected as more obvious, external injuries. For example, a traumatic brain injury victim might appear completely healthy, even though they have suffered an injury that severely impacts their cognitive ability and altered how their brain functions. For this reason, along with many more, demonstrating the true impact of a catastrophic injury is not always an easy task.

How Attorneys Approach Catastrophic Injury Cases

It is exceptionally difficult to explain the impact of a complicated catastrophic injury to a jury. Your lawyer must spend time listening to you about the impact of the injury. Your lawyer must seek out and interview your friends and family to get their perspective on the injury.  Your lawyer must meet with your doctors before they testify and make sure those doctors are able to explain the injury without using cumbersome hard-to-understand medical jargon.  And, your catastrophic injury lawyer must create large blown-up medical illustrations that walk the jury through your surgeries and other medical procedures.

Examples of Injuries From Our Catastrophic Injury Cases

The Stoddard Firm represents clients suffering from life-altering catastrophic injuries such as:

  •       Broken bones requiring rods, plates, screws, and pins
  •       Herniated discs requiring a spinal fusion surgery
  •       Spinal cord injuries causing full or partial paralysis
  •       Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) causing an altered mental state
  •       Third degree burns requiring prolonged hospitalizations
  •       Loss of limb and/or amputations
  •       Other serious injuries requiring extensive in-patient hospitalization.

How Catastrophic Injuries Happen

Severe injuries can occur in any setting – at home, in a shopping mall, at vacation destinations – though they are especially common in vehicle crashes and workplace accidents. For example, vehicle accidents are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injury in the United States.

Atlanta Injury Lawyer

Workplace accidents are also a leading cause of head and back injuries.

Types of catastrophic injuries are as varied as the causes and settings in which they happen. A burn injury, for example, is not only painful and costly, but might also lead to disfigurement, which can have a deep psychological impact that furthers a victim’s suffering in incalculable ways. The loss of a limb also presents its own set of unique challenges for an injury victim, including a substantial reductions in lifetime earning potential.

No two catastrophic injuries are the same, but many have one thing in common: they could have been prevented. These injuries are often caused because someone made an error or was careless. It could be the fault of a distracted driver who strikes a pedestrian and causes a spinal cord injury, or an employer who fails to provide a safe work environment for the employee and, thus, leaves that worker vulnerable to injury.

When a catastrophic injury is caused by someone else’s negligence, the injury victim has the right to file a claim to recover the costs of the damage they’ve suffered. Catastrophic injuries can impair a person’s ability to earn an income or perform routine tasks. In these cases, fighting for financial compensation is essential to cope with the incredible fallout of an injury, and it must be handled by an catastrophic injury lawyer who knows what it takes to get results.

The Stoddard Firm, Atlanta GA

Not All Firms are Equipped to Handle These Cases

When you or a loved one is seriously injured, you have only one shot at justice.  The truth is that many law firms either are not properly staffed or are not willing to spend the time and effort necessary to tell your story.  The Stoddard Firm is different.  We maintain an extraordinarily low case load so we can dedicate extensive time and substantial financial resources to obtain the full compensation our clients deserve.

We understand that a catastrophic injury is not just another personal injury case. These cases require dedication, hard work, and the willingness to take a claim all the way in a court of law. We are proud to offer our clients the firm’s full efforts and resources to make sure they get justice.

Reaching out to us is free.  Please give us a call or contact us online so we can answer your questions and discuss what is necessary to achieve a favorable result.  It never hurts to have more information.

Attorney Matt Stoddard

Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer Matt StoddardMatt Stoddard is a professional, hardworking, ethical advocate. He routinely faces some of the nation’s largest companies and some of the world’s largest insurers – opponents who have virtually unlimited resources. In these circumstances, Mr. Stoddard is comfortable. Mr. Stoddard provides his strongest efforts to his clients, and he devotes the firm’s significant financial resources to presenting the strongest case possible on their behalf. Matt understands that his clients must put their trust in him. That trust creates an obligation for Matt to work tirelessly on their behalf, and Matt Stoddard does not take that obligation lightly. [ Attorney Bio ]

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    Can I Sue If Someone Caused a Fire in My Apartment Building?

    Apartments can be dangerous places in terms of fire safety. For people who survive apartment fires and burn injury accidents, the task of putting a life back together is daunting and massive. It’s normal to have lots of questions, most pressingly questions of finance and liability. A landlord’s responsibility to pay for tenants’ losses seems obvious enough if the fire started with bad wiring...


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    Call our Georgia Catastrophic Injury Lawyers for Help Right Away

    After a catastrophic injury, it is important to call our Atlanta, Georgia, catastrophic injury attorneys as soon as you are able. Investigating and building a case takes time, and the sooner we can get to work on your behalf, the better the chances are of finding evidence and witnesses. In addition, Georgia has a statute of limitations, or deadline, that is generally two years for filing a personal injury case, or the courts are likely to refuse to hear your case.

    Matt Stoddard, the founder of The Stoddard Firm, worked for years defending the world’s largest appliance manufacturers in serious injury and wrongful death product liability cases. As a result, he knows how companies and their insurers operate and how to deal with them to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. Our catastrophic injury lawyers will take the time to carefully examine the details of your injury and ensure that you are justly compensated for your losses. We have an aggressive approach which. combined with personal attention, gets results. Call us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation at 470-467-2200.

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